1. The filter cloths are fitted by folding one half of the double cloth into quarters, then rolling to form a tube.
  2. This is then passed through the central feedhole in the filter plate.
  3. The filter cloth is then dressed to the plate so that it lies quite flat and free from creases. Centralise the cloth on the plate by tightening the top fastening which is done with Velcro and the sides using the electrician cable ties.

The cloths before being used for the first time should be steeped in water.  The cloths are fitted by rolling one half of the cloth, feeding this through the central feed hole in the plate then dressing the cloth on the plate so that it lies quite flat and free from creases and wrinkles, and to ensure this they are better put on wet.  Centralise cloth on plate by tightening the top and side ties.  A half cloth is used for the moving end half plate.  When the filter press is thus properly furnished with cloths it must be well tightened up by means of the hydraulic tightening gear.